Fast and non-destructive analysis of metals and their alloys
The x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) analysis of metals and their alloys provides an exact breakdown of the different elements...
Measurements of hydraulic transients
Hydroelectric installations are subject to high levels of hydraulic stress The water hammer and mass oscillation in the pipes must be controlled without fail in...
Transient phenomena modelling / simulation
To ensure the safety of hydroelectric facilities, HYDRO Exploitation has developed a proactive, systematic method of identifying, assessing and managing...
Analytical and FEM dimensioning
When mechanical installations are inspected or rehabilitated, machine components sometimes need to be replaced or modified.
Welding activities
Hydroelectric production equipment is largely made up of joint welded parts. Each welding process requires a high level of skill to ensure that the installations function properly...
Non-destructive testing (NDT)
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is used to verify that there are no internal defects, more specifically, cracks, in equipment and machines, without altering them.
Thermodynamic efficiency measurement
The hydroelectric units must operate at maximum performance in order to ensure the plant is running at peak profitability. Measuring the thermodynamics quantifies...
Vibration diagnosis
Hydro Exploitation provides a complete service for vibration diagnostic solutions (measurements and analysis) on all types of hydroelectric machines.
Inspection of forced conduits
The inspection of forced conduits allows the owners of hydroelectric facilities to assess the viability of their anticorrosion protection, as well as the renewal or...
Laser Tracker - Highly accurate three-dimensional measurements
Laser Tracker measures in three dimensions and, due to its technical characteristics, meets the high requirements for dimensioning...
3D digital printing & reverse engineering
3D scanning is a contactless measurement technology which enables data acquisition (point clouds) for the purpose of creating a solid model. Combined with a...
HYDRO Exploitation SA
Rue de l’Industrie 10
CP 315 - CH-1951 Sion
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HYDRO Exploitation SA
Rue de l’Industrie 10 CP 750 - CH-1951 Sion +41 (0)27 328 44 11
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