L’Hydro Alps Lab franchit un cap et intègre OIKEN à son équipe
L’Hydro Alps Lab, laboratoire de recherche appliquée dans le domaine de l’hydroélectricité fondé en 2021 par Alpiq, les Forces Motrices Valaisannes (FMV), HYDRO Exploitation et la Haute École d'Ingénierie (HEI) de la HES-SO Valais-Wallis, célèbre aujourd’hui trois années d’activités fructueuses.HYDRO Exploitation takes over operation of Nant de Drance power plant
We are looking forward to taking over the operation of the Nant de Drance power plant.Our services
HYDRO Exploitation has acquired a unique and proven experience in power generation facilities. Our extensive service portfolio puts us in a position to cover all areas of power generation, from consultancy to overhaul services.
Who are we ?
Based in Sion, HYDRO Exploitation SA was founded in June 2002 by Grande Dixence SA, EOS Holding SA and FMV SA - joined by Romande Energie Holding SA and Les Forces Motrices de la Gougra SA for the operation and maintenance of hydroelectric facilities.
The company employs 480 people from the Haut-Valais to the Jura Vaudois. Together, they operate 46 hydroelectric facilities that produce more than 16% of Switzerland's hydroelectric energy.